Empower Employee with correct potentials

 Empower Employee with correct potentials

                                                (reference for business,2023)

Employee empowerment can be defined as management confident level  of allowing employees to make independent decisions and act on them. Employee empowerment is the direct (BambooHR, 2023). On the other hand it is the process of encouraging employees to take full authority / initiatives / leadership and accountability  to make accurate decisions. Empowering employee cannot be simply done and it is a lone process involving many aspects. 

Benefits on empowering leaders 

1) Increase quality mind set and decision making ability -

                                                    (globsyn business school, 2023)

            To make decisions by own, it require broad knowledge in theoretically and practically. Experience in the job and involving with senior staff for making situational decision is immensely important to increase the confident level of the leaders. It is important to further search for additional information to enhance the decision making ability. By involving with senior staff to solve critical and complicated problems, helps leaders to boost their confident level as well as gain practical knowledge of solving such a problems by their own. It is senior staff responsibility to decide which leader is capable for empowering and for which position. 

2) Self-motivated and willingness to enhance themself

                                                        (Sevenmentor, 2021)

            What is really important in empowering process is to build confident in leaders on the decision they are making. When the leaders are recognized as decision makers or essential part of the management, It gives positive mind sent for the leaders to think extra miles. They will be self motivated to be proactive and add knowledge to their vocabulary. They will be target oriented and always think of upgrading them selves to be in next step. Willing to search for things and add knowledge to them selves.

3) Build creativity and innovations

                                                    (Mybusinessblog, 2022)

            When the leaders are empowered,  They always take initiatives to think out of box and bring new and modern ideas in. Innovative and creative ideas always bring value to the organizational objectives. An organization running with contemporary ideas, will all ways have low effective working environment. But empowered leaders can always come up with creative and innovative  improvement.

According to (Managing life at work, 2023), there are many more benefits to the organization with leadership empowering as below,

4) Enhance and strengthen relationship with customer 

5) Increase career commitment and satisfaction


  Success journey of an organization is depend on how the organization cares the development of leaders. Select potential candidates to develop and train to be empowered is the sole responsibility of the organization. There should be properly planned training schedule as well as experienced and knowledgeable senior management to guide for the empowerment process. 

Managing life at work (2023) empowering leadership: definition, example, outcomes and more. managinglifeatwork.com[online] Available at https://managinglifeatwork.com/empowering-leadership-definition-examples-outcomes-and-more/#:~:text=Empowering%20leadership%20is%20an%20ongoing%20process%20enacted%20by%20the%20leader,of%20their%20lives%20at%20work. Accessed on 16th Aug 2023.


  1. Employee empowerment allows people to be highly creative and interested in their employment, as well as make independent decisions. Moreover, by empowering employees, organizations can develop highly productive and engaged team which will lead to enhance company performance.

  2. Empowered employees are those who know they have the ability to accomplish tasks successfully, believe that their team, management, and organisation are behind them, and feel confident in them.
    Employee empowerment is a whole-company achievement.

  3. It's important to inform employees that they can contact you at any time with questions or for clarification on a particular component of their job. While empowered employees have the confidence to complete tasks independently, they also recognize the value of their company's support structure.

  4. A good Human Resource Management (HRM) strategy in organisations would be to build leaders by providing the necessary empowerment as you are explaining here.

  5. Employee empowerment is a modern management approach that enables employees to take ownership of their work, be more creative and engaged in each other for the enhance end results.


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