Employee Reqruitments

 Employee Recruitments


According to the (PeopleHUM, 2023),  recruitment is the process of calling applications, short listing, and selecting the appropriate candidates for an organization. Different recruitment processes are applied base on the position being recruited and each organization has it's own process of recruiting new employees. Accurate recruitment process and procedure help to select appropriate candidates all the time. Failure of selecting correct candidates has many negative impact to the organization. Recruitment can be either done internally or externally. 

Different recruitment methods  

         (Verlinden, 2023)

Many recruitment processes can be identified to select correct employee to the organization. Same recruitment process can not be applied to all position recruitment and it varies on the demand of the position. Below are some of the frequently used recruitment methods.

1)  Through advertisement -   Required positions are published in news paper, job sites, social media giving opportunities for many applicants to apply base on their confident level. 

2) Maintain talent pool data base -  An organization can maintain data base to collect applications for variety positions although the vacancies are not available. When the vacancies emerged, company can easily accessed to data base to call appropriate applicant for the interview. 

3) Trough recommendations -  This method is mostly used currently. Either external or internal reliable  recommendations are used to recruit new employees. 

4) Through Agencies and recruitment firms - Some of the organizations have handed over their  recruitment requirements to third party firm or agencies to fill on be half of the organization. This might be costly but still time saving for HR to consider on other important things. This method mostly used to recruit the positions which the organization feel difficult to recruit.

According to (Smith, 2023) there are few more recruitment methods can be identified as below

5) Boomerang Employees

6) Professional organizations

7) Internship and apprenticeship    

Stages of employee recruitment.

                                                                    (MnE, 2014)

According to the (MnE, 2014) five stages are described to go through for accurate employee recruitment.

1) Defining the job role and responsibilities - It is the responsibility of HRM to define the roles for the job. Create job descriptions and job specifications. Job profile refer to the overall purpose of the position plan to recruit. This includes key areas such as competencies required for the position as well as paper qualifications and working experience.  

 2) Planning recruitment propaganda  - Recruitments need to be planned, designed, organized to find correct talented candidates to contribute the growth of the organization. This covers the information such as how many employees required, positions to be recruited,

3) Attracting candidates - When the application calling period is over, go through the applications to select most suitable candidates to call for interview. Look for internal and external sources to verify short listed candidates is highly important

4)  Selecting Candidates- This is the the most sensitive part of the recruitment. To select the most suitable candidate, the organization has to go through few interview processes. One on one interview, paper exam, check for references, recommendations can be considered to select best candidate to the organization.


Accurate recruitment is a must to an organization. Selecting wrong person for wrong position has many negative impact to the organization. The first priority should be for internal promotions and if only cannot promote internally, go for external promotion.

(PeopleHUM (2023) What is employee recruitment. peoplehum.com[online]. Available at https://www.peoplehum.com/glossary/employee-recruitment. Accessed on 17th Aug 2023

Smith (2023) 12 recruitment methods you need to know about. Available at https://recruitee.com/articles/recruitment-methods. Accessed on 17th Aug 2023

MnE (2014) Stages in recruitment and selection process. mnestudies.com[online]. Available at http://www.mnestudies.com/human-resource/stages-recruitment-selection-process. Accessed on 18th Aug 2023.


  1. Recruitment is the first step in building an organization's human capital. At a high level, the goals are to locate and hire the best candidates, on time, and on budget.

  2. A proper recruitment process is important in HRM to ensure that suitable candidates are recruited for the vacancies. The process you have described can be used in that regard.

  3. Right person for the right job HR main KPI recruitment strategy. Key highlights strategy recruitment in here clear mentions.

  4. Recruiting is a straightforward idea that entails locating individuals and hiring them to fill unfilled positions. Organizations use many strategies in recruitments in order to absorb the best people to the organization.


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