Employee Training And Development

 Employee Training And Development

                                                                    (Topper, 2023)

What is training and development 

An organization has it's own developed yearly training and development calendrer aligning with the organizational objectives and these training and development programs really support individuals to enhance their knowledge  as well as contribute to the organization.

Impotency of training and development 

Training and development bring immense benefits to the organization as well as individual employees. Training can be organized either in internally with low cost (only time spend) or externally with some amount of cost. According to the (Maryville university, 2023) the training and development is essential for the growth of an organization as well as improving skills and competencies of individuals towards the organizational objectives.

  • Improve and enhance employee performance and involvement.
  • Maintain high retention of employees and job satisfaction
  • Improve company culture and pleasant working environment
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase worker self motivation 
  • consistency in work
                                                                  (Neendoor, 2023)

Type of training and development methods

Technical training -  every individual employees has designation job role to perform in the organization. every task is formulated with technical skill behind. following correct method to perform the task has many benefits for the organization as well as individuals. Therefore carrying out technical training periodically is highly recommended. Technical training can be classified as (Training industry, 2023) "teaches the skills needed to design, develop, implement, maintain, support or operate a particular technology or related application, product or service." 

                                                        (Recourses news-desk, 2015) 

Soft skill training - Soft skill trainings are mainly focusing on developing ability and skill such as 

  • Effective communication
  • Team work and team building
  • Stress management
  • Problem solving and deal with conflicts 
  • Decision makings
  • Self motivations and positive thinking 
  • Take initiative 
Combination of soft skill and hard skill (technical knowledge) is essential for the continuous growth of the organization. Soft skill level is varied from employee to employee base on few factors such as understanding capacity / willingness to change / willingness to absorb / Ego / Age category / experience level. 

                                                        (Indiamart, 2015)

Compliance  training - An organization  is a combination of different age group / different race / different religion / different social back grounds / different positions. So it is important each group of employee understand the different terms of basic compliance the organization is maintaining which includes laws / regulations / internal policies govern the organization functions. Below are basic category of compliance which employee should have basic knowledge.

  • Child labor
  • Force labor 
  • Business ethics
  • Data privacy 
  • Work place discriminations
  • Sexual harassment 

                                                            (Neendoor, 2023)

Safety training - The main purpose of safety training to employees is to provide knowledge to prevent themself from accidence can harm them during working process as well as safe their co - workers. Ensuring employee safety and maintain high rate of safety concerns is one of the key KPI of an organization.

  • Fire safety
  • Exposure to noise
  • Using personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Ergonomics
  • Control on haphazard chemical usage 

                                            (Singleton training service ltd, 2022)

Leadership development -  Leaders are the future drivers of the an organization and develop them with correct leadership concept is important for first time correct decision making. Leadership training and development focus on improving the skill, competencies, ability and confident level of the future leaders (HRzone, 2022) According to article by (Schooley, 2023) she introduces important goals of leadership development such as

  • Become an active listener
  • Offer constructive feedback that facilitate growth
  • become change agent
  • become effective
  • Lead the team by examples
  • Build strong and dynamic team

                                                            (Gardner, 2021)


Effective training and development which connected with company objectives is essential for developing own employee towards continuous improvement. Training is a cost but it's return  got more value towards the organizational business and culture. Every employee is an assert to the organization and retain them with updating their knowledge and skill through good training session is a value adding to the organizational objectives.

Maryville (2023) importance of training and development for employees.online.maryville.edu[online]. Available at https://online.maryville.edu/blog/importance-of-training-and-development/#:~:text=Training%20and%20development%20programs%20provide%20a%20host%20of%20benefits.,a%20career%20in%20human%20resources. Accessed on 13th Aug 2023.

Training industry (2023) Technical training. trainingindustry.com[online]. Available at https://trainingindustry.com/glossary/technical-training/. Accessed on 13th Aug 2023

Gardner (2021) 7 steps to create a leadership development plan. aihr.com[online]. Available at https://www.aihr.com/blog/leadership-development-plan/. Accessed on 13th Aug 2023

HRzone (2022) What is leadership development. hrzone.com[online]. Available at https://www.hrzone.com/hr-glossary/what-is-leadership-development. Accessed on 13th Aug 2023 

Schooley (2023) 10 development goals for better. businessnewsdaily.com[online]. Available at leadership. https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/15835-leadership-development-goals.html. Accessed on 13th Aug 2023.




  1. By aligning training and development initiatives with company objectives, organizations can develop their employees' capabilities, drive continuous improvement, and ultimately achieve their strategic goals.

  2. It's clear that well-planned training initiatives can significantly contribute to both individual growth and organizational success. The post covers different types of training methods, ranging from technical and soft skill training to compliance and safety training, and even leadership development. This holistic approach ensures employees are equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to excel in their roles while fostering a positive workplace culture.

  3. Employee training and development is necessary to achieve organizational goals as it directly impacts on organizational performance, productivity, efficiency, employee retention and satisfaction, to face future challenges and in many areas.

  4. Training and development is considered as a strategy for growth in every organization. It is adopted by the organization to fill the gap between skills and future opportunities. These training programs definitely enhance skills, improve efficiency, and productivity and growth opportunities for employees

  5. An employee who receives training from time to time is in a better position to improve his work productivity

  6. Workplace training is the process of developing knowledge, skills and efficiency in your job. Employers conduct different types of training such a important role an organization.

  7. Training is an important part of talent management in Human Resource Management (HRM) and organisations can use the different ways you have described here to train their employees.


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