
Incentive And Rewards Apparel Industry

Incentive And Rewards In Apparel Industry                                                                (incentive solution, 2023) There are different type of stimulated factors are introduced in apparel sector to motivate employees for high productivity as well as to maintain product quality. Different company have different incentive criteria base on the level company wants expecting operators to be performed. The most attractive incentive schemes are introduced to sewing operators since they the heart of the of the company contributing 75% of company earnings. Incentive are paid to the employees for the extra contribution towards productivity. (Mikes, 2011) Different incentive and reward program                                                                        (Solanki, 2022) According to the (indeed career guide, 2022) there are different type of incentive programs are introduced by different companies to drive for company objectives. these programs are designed base on effic

Employee Performance Management

  Employee Performance Management   (Vulpen, 023) Performance management is pre planned and pre set tools which helps to evaluate performance of employees. KPIs are set with SMART goals at the beginning of the year creating environment for the employees to focus to perform to the best of their ability. The Goals are set align with organizational objectives. Achievements are reviewed by both employee and the manager periodically for further improvement. Performance review procedure   (case western reserve, 2022) 1)  Objective Settings - It is the task of the management to set the objectives aligning with company ultimate goals. Goals are set under two categories as below       Goals - Goals are set with the concept of SMART S - Specific M - Measurable A - Achievable R - Relevant T - Time bound There is visibility of the performance and achievement to both management and employees with SMART goal settings. Thereby performance review will not be personalized. Goals are reviewed and discus

Employee Reqruitments

  Employee Recruitments   According to the (PeopleHUM, 2023),  recruitment is the process of calling applications, short listing, and selecting the appropriate candidates for an organization. Different recruitment processes are applied base on the position being recruited and each organization has it's own process of recruiting new employees. Accurate recruitment process and procedure help to select appropriate candidates all the time. Failure of selecting correct candidates has many negative impact to the organization. Recruitment can be either done internally or externally.  Different recruitment methods               (Verlinden, 2023) Many recruitment processes can be identified to select correct employee to the organization. Same recruitment process can not be applied to all position recruitment and it varies on the demand of the position. Below are some of the frequently used recruitment methods. 1)  Through advertisement -   Required positions are published in news paper, job

Employee Absenteeism

 Employee Absenteeism                                                                       (Yao, 2022)   Absenteeism is a habitual practice of being absent from work for no valid reason. Basically it is considered as absent when there is no prior approval from management or not report to work without prior information. High employee absenteeism has many negative impact to an organization and every organization doing their best to control absenteeism within 3%. Absenteeism is considered as one of the key performance indicators of the organization. The causes of absenteeism According to (Fogler, 2021) unexpected employee absenteeism can be occurred for many reasons. It can be due to employee personal reasons or the organizational environmental reasons.  1)  Harassment by fellow employees           Workplace harassment can be either verbally, physically or mentally. An employee can be harassed for his/her race, religion, gender, social back ground. Mental stability   is one of the key fa

Empower Employee with correct potentials

  Empower Employee with correct potentials                                                            (reference for business,2023) Employee empowerment can be defined as management confident level  of allowing employees to make independent decisions and act on them. Employee empowerment is the direct (BambooHR, 2023). On the other hand it is the process of encouraging employees to take full authority / initiatives / leadership and accountability  to make accurate decisions. Empowering employee cannot be simply done and it is a lone process involving many aspects.  Benefits on empowering leaders  1) Increase quality mind set and decision making ability -                                                                 (globsyn business school, 2023)               To make decisions by own, it require broad knowledge in theoretically and practically. Experience in the job and involving with senior staff for making situational decision is immensely important to increase the confident level

Employee Training And Development

  Employee Training And Development                                                                                     (Topper, 2023) What is training and development  An organization has it's own developed yearly training and development calendrer aligning with the organizational objectives and these training and development programs really support individuals to enhance their knowledge  as well as contribute to the organization. Impotency of training and development  Training and development bring immense benefits to the organization as well as individual employees. Training can be organized either in internally with low cost (only time spend) or externally with some amount of cost. According to the (Maryville university, 2023) the training and development is essential for the growth of an organization as well as improving skills and competencies of individuals towards the organizational objectives. Improve and enhance employee performance and involvement. Maintain high retenti

Employer / Employee Rights and Responsibilities At Work Place

Employer / Employee Rights and Responsibilities At Workplace                                                                            (Azmi, 2022) An organization is a combination of deferent genders, deferent race, deferent religions, deferent age driving towards common objectives. Employees are working under different departments and possess unique responsibilities towards the organizational objectives. In mass manufacturing process, it is highly important to have written policies and procedures on equal employee rights.  What are employee rights In modern HR concept, employees are considered as part of the organization contributing numerous ways. Each organization has it's own written employees rights which always incorporate with  government human right policies as well as buyer COC (code of conduct). Each employee make bond with employer at the time of joining the company by signing legal documents which include rights / responsibilities. 1) Discrimination Policy -  Accordin